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Privacy Policy

The processing, privacy and security of your personal data is extremely important to us. We make every effort to provide you personalized services in a way that honors your wishes and privacy. The purpose of this policy on privacy and personal data protection (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”) is to give you straightforward, clear and comprehensive information on how the data you provide to us is used, including the data we may acquire about you through various channels (store, customer service department, audrey.care, social media, apps, and events), whether it is shared with third parties, and the rights and options available to you for controlling your personal data and protecting your privacy.

Types of Data Collected by AUDREY

“Personal data” designates any information that identifies You, either directly (i.e. by your name) or indirectly (i.e. by using a customer number). In order to provide Us your personal data, You must be over the age of 16. The personal data that We collect directly from You may include information pertaining to:

  • Your name and contact information (in particular e-mail address, telephone number, mailing address, social media ID)
  • Your gender, age or age range and /or birthdate
  • Your areas of interest
  • Your purchases (online or in a store) and Your repair services
  • Your size and Your style preferences
  • The pages You visit on audrey.care
  • The AUDREY events You participate in
  • Your requests to Our customer service department or Our public relations department

We may also collect data from publicly available sources which shall be considered as data having been communicated by you

In the event you apply for a job at AUDREY, We may collect the following information: Your name and Your contact details, Your resume and Your motivation letter. The personal data that AUDREY requires is indicated as such on the various pages that contain forms for collecting personal data. If You do not complete these required fields, AUDREY will most likely not reply to Your requests and/or provide you the products and services requested. The other information is optional and enables Us to know You better and improve the messages and services We send You.

Channels by which your data is collected and/or received

As part of Our interactions, we may be required to gather some data through the following points of contact:

  • Interactions with Our in-store advisors
  • Page clicks on audrey.care
  • Contacts with customer service
  • AUDREY events that You participate in
  • Interactions with Our public relations department
  • Forms that You fill out (online or in a store) questionnaire or survey to which you answer or email you sent us
  • Apps or third-party social network (such as Facebook, Instagram etc..) that You use and that you have authorized to share information and data with us. You should at all-time be aware of the terms of use and privacy policy that apply to third party social networks and are of their exclusive responsibility
  • AUDREY social media pages that You visit and/or comment on or like
  • Third party data provider with whom you share information
  • Ads in search engines that You click on
  • If You wish, You may contact Our sales advisors and speak with them on an instant messaging app such as WhatsApp or a similar program. Our sales advisors will be happy to answer Your questions on this platform. However, We would like to remind you that AUDREY cannot guarantee Your data or other information shared on these programs will remain confidential and secure since it is out of AUDREY’s control and it waives all liability.

Such data or information may be sent to locations outside the European Economic Area. Therefore, We recommend that You familiarize yourself with how these apps are used and their respective policies on personal data protection.

Purposes for which AUDREY uses Your data

As part of our interactions and depending on the context in which your data are collected, We use your data to:

  • Manage Your orders and take all required measure in relation to Your online transaction, especially to prevent fraud and payment defaults
  • Manage personalized content or advertising or other AUDREY messages (online or otherwise)
  • Manage Your profile
  • Manage Your online requests pertaining to the AUDREY company
  • Manage events that You register for or participate in
  • Manage Your job application
  • Manage Our website and Our digital apps
  • Improve Our products and services

We can use third party services such as but not limited to Facebook Custom Audiences, Google Customer match or similar services and/or work with third Party social media to create profile based on you preferences in order to manage your user’s experience and/or to offer you more personalised experience or advertising on Our products using the data we have collected from you, including your email address. We may also use your data by combining it with your browsing data using cookies for targeted advertising purposes. This type of targeting is made possible by the use of technologies from our third-party partners that allow us to link the browsing data of the same user on Our sites, the platforms of social networks or third-party sites, regardless of the terminal used. You may object to this processing at any time by configuring the advertising settings of your account on the social network platforms and/or refer to our cookie policy to understand how to withdraw your consent.

Third Party social media are either acting as data processor in which case they commit not to share or use your data for another purpose not to keep them after such processing (which is, for instance, the case of Facebook custom Audience and Google Customer match services) or as independent data controller with Your consent (which is the case in particular of Facebook ads pixel) in which case they are responsible for their own compliance with the applicable data protection laws. You can obtain further information about the tools used by our Social Media Partners to create a profile based on your preferences and offer you more personalized advertisement through:

  • https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/143465
  • https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2453998?hl=en
  • https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/facebook-ads-reach-existing-customers
  • https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/facebook-ads-pixel

When it relates to Your job application, We use Your data to manage and track Your application. We retain a history of transactions and other sales documents in order to meet legal and governmental requirements as well as for the purposes of our insurers and audits. Depending on the manner in which your data are collected, the legal grounds for processing them may be:

  • Your consent (i.e. to manage Our personalized marketing offers or through cookies to manage your online browsing session)
  • Execute a contract (i.e. process and track your orders, manage access to your customer account)
  • A legal obligation if the data processing is required by law (i.e. retaining sales invoices)
  • Our legitimate interests, such as improving Our products and services, preventing fraud, securing Our tools or personalizing Our marketing materials and performing statistics on Our Sales.

Retention period

We solely retain your personal data for the time required to achieve the current objective, to satisfy Your needs or to meet Our legal obligations. In general, Your personal data are only retained in Our database for a period that is reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined above or for the retention period permitted by law.

  • If You are a customer (i.e. you have purchased a AUDREY product): For a period not to exceed five years from your initial purchase. This period is renewed each time You interact with AUDREY (i.e. you make another purchase)
  • If You are a potential customer (i.e. you have never purchased a AUDREY product but You are interested in the AUDREY brand): Three years from when Your data are collected. This period is renewed each time You interact with AUDREY (i.e. you participate in an event)
  • If you contact the public relations department: For a period not to exceed 10 years from Your initial contact. This period is renewed each time You interact with AUDREY (i.e. you request information from the AUDREY company)
  • If you are a job applicant (i.e. You apply for a position that AUDREY advertises): Two years from when You apply

If cookies are installed on Your computer, We cannot retain them for more than 13 months. Once We no longer require Your personal data, they are deleted from Our systems and records or anonymized so You cannot be identified.

Recipients and transfer of your data

Your data are intended for the AUDREY departments that handle Your requests. We ensure that Your personal data are only accessible to people who are duly authorized and when needed for the purposes cited above. We do not share Your data with third parties for marketing purposes. When necessary, and whenever possible in a format that does not identify you directly, we may share Your information with:

We may also likely provide You the option of using your social media login information. In this case, be aware that You are sharing your profile information with Us. We would like to inform you that these social networks operate under their own privacy policies.

We may also likely provide You the option of using your social media login information. In this case, be aware that You are sharing your profile information with Us. We would like to inform you that these social networks operate under their own privacy policies. 

In the case of cross-border transfers, we ensure that adequate protection is provided when personal data is transferred outside the European Economic Area. In specific cases, if this level of protection is not guaranteed, we will obtain your prior consent or establish a contractual framework with the recipient of the personal data and/or ensure that sufficient measures are in place to provide an adequate level of protection abroad.

Means by which the privacy of your data is protected

AUDREY has implemented the proper technical and organizational measures to ensure that Your personal data are kept confidential and secure in the event they are ever lost, destroyed, corrupted, accessed or unlawfully disclosed. AUDREY’s computer systems are protected by physical and digital means that meet the highest industry standards. In compliance with current Italian law and European regulations on personal data protection, procedures are in place to physically and electronically safeguard the data collected on the website. AUDREY’s service providers and contractors are bound by written agreements to implement adequate security measures to protect Your personal data in accordance with the relevant regulations. Your data may be accessed, transferred or stored outside the European Union and made accessible to employees who work for Us or for one of Our trusted service providers (i.e. a store other than Your primary store may access your purchase history, our trusted service provider will access to Your Data for fraud prevention purpose). We do so securely in compliance with the applicable law and make every effort to ensure that third parties honor the commitment stated in this Privacy Policy. Due to their position, AUDREY employees with access to Your personal data are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. The financial institution designated by AUDREY stores all of the financial information You provide on the website on its secure site. Transactions completed on the website are protected by SSL encryption.

Your rights under the European Directive GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Below is a summary of the rights to which You are entitled under this regulation.

  • Right to information

You have the right to obtain clear, transparent and intelligible information on how We use Your personal data and on Your rights. All of this information can be found in this Privacy Policy.

  • Right to access

You have the right to access the personal data that AUDREY possesses about You

  • Right to rectification

You have the right to rectify Your personal data if it is inaccurate or outdated and/or to complete any missing data.

  • Right to erasure/right to be forgotten

You have the right to erase or delete your data. However, this right may be restricted for legal reasons or due to Our legitimate interests in retaining Your personal data.

  •  Right to opt out of direct marketing

At any time, you may request to stop receiving Our messages pertaining to Our promotions, news and events. Specifically, you can use the hyperlink provided for this purpose in every email We send to You.

  • Right to withdraw consent to process consent-based data at any time

You can withdraw Your consent for Us to process Your data when the processing is based on consent.
You also have the right to contact Your country’s data protection authority to file a complaint against AUDREY’s data and privacy protection practices.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or AUDREY’s personal data protection practices or if you would like to exercise one of the aforementioned rights, please email us at: [email protected].

Changes to this Privacy Policy

AUDREY is inclined to update this Privacy Policy based on legal and regulatory circumstances and to keep You informed of any changes in our practices on processing Your personal data. AUDREY advises You to check this section or click on the Privacy Policy link on the bottom of the website’s homepage or in the Legal Notice section so that You are always aware of the most recent version of the Privacy Policy when You interact with AUDREY.

We will be happy to accept your inquiry and answer any questions, our team is available Sun-Thu 09:00-21:00

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